
《砵砵車的一生2023》"A Journey of CAR's Life"
A dusty toy car and Toasty travel through time and space to meet their loved ones from the past. How can this wonderful journey through time and space help Toasty get over the pain of the death of her beloved little animal and understand the mysteries of birth, aging, illness and death?
《多士妹的唐吉訶德》"Toasty & Don Quixote"
又是世界經典文學堂啦!溫老師今次講《唐吉訶德》的故事,還給同學們一份功課,要他們報告自己有什麼夢想。多士妹本來對自己的夢想信心十足,但是,當她知道易合一和阿明的夢想後,她信心全失了!究竟多士妹、易合一和阿明的夢想是什麼呢?多士妹最後能否 對自己的夢想重拾信心,完成功課呢?一起來看看吧!
It’s World classic literature class! Miss Wan is going to share the story of Don Quijote, she also assigns a project to classmates, she wants them to present “What is your dream?”. Toasty was very confidence about her dream, but after she knew 2 in 1 and Ming’s dream, she doubts about it! What is their dream? Can they eventually find their own dream and finish the project? We’ll see!
《校園幹探易合一 之 電玩危機2022》"School Detective 2 in 1 – E G Crisis 2022"
「叮叮噹嘟~!你的電玩人物正在升級……」睡房裡傳來電玩遊戲的聲音,但在深夜仍然「機」不離手的,竟然不是學生易合一,而是他的爸爸媽媽!究竟是什麼遊戲令爸爸媽媽如此着迷?校園幹探易合一又如何發揮他的偵探本領,解決這次「電玩危機」呢?準備好,GAME START!
“Ding Don~!Level Up…”There is sound of video game from bedroom.
Who was the addicted one to video game? Instead of the student 2 in 1, but his parents are the one who addicted to video game playing. Why his parents are so into video game? As school detective, 2 in 1 is going to find it out and solve the game crisis!
《三隻小豬非一般的故事》"Incredible Story @ 3 Little Pigs
三隻小豬是個家傳戶曉的童話故事。原著講述:「從前有三隻小豬,豬大哥隨便蓋了稻草屋,豬二哥想:蓋一間木屋就夠了,只有豬細佬用心蓋了磚屋。 大野狼一口氣把草屋吹走,也把木屋吹倒,最後三隻小豬都躲在堅固的磚屋裏,大野狼才無可奈何⋯」童話故事應該有它的教育意義及寓意,但隨着時代不斷變更,科技一日千里,互聯網的影響下也衝擊了經典故事的存在價值。
“The Three Little Pigs” is a classic fable. The original story is about the three little pigs. The first little pig builds his house out of straw without thinking much. The second little pig thinks a stick house is good enough for him. The third little pig spends a lot of time and effort to build his house out of bricks. The big bad wolf comes and blows the first two houses down. All three little pigs hide in the brick house and the wolf can’t eat them.
There are educational and moral values in the classic fables. Changing along with the ages, the changes of technology is rapid. The development of internet has had a tremendous impact on the value of these classic fables.
Jumbo Kids Theatre sets this classic fable - “The Three Little Pigs” as the entry point to experiment. Actors get in and out their characters to be the narrators, the three little pigs or even the mother pig and the big bad wolf. Along with the stage effects, they deconstruct the uniqueness of the characters.
《Toasty & Friends 大細路3D演唱會》"Toasty & Friends in Concert"
禮堂裡每位同學都非常興奮,期待拿著畢業證書大合照的歷史性時刻 。當輪到下一班便可以上台領取證書時,易合一發現多士妹不見了,原來多士妹一直都不在禮堂!
The graduation ceremony of Jumbo Kids Primary School will start soon!
All the students in the school hall are excited and looking forward to take the group photo with their graduation certificates. Right before their turn, they find that Toasty is not with them.
They are anxious because they don’t want to miss anyone in the once-in-a-lifetime photo. 2 in 1, who has a detective mindset, leads them to search for Toasty. In the way of searching, memories of family love and friendships come flooding back. They finally find Toasty and take the memorable group photo together!
《小黑》、《阿爾的故事》 "Cat Story & War Guy"
小黑、阿爾的故事是大細路劇團自1999年成立以來,首次以Double Bill(一場演出,分為上下半場,兩個不同的節目)形式創作的兒童劇。
兩個故事皆改編自Auntie Van Van 繪本《帶小黑回家》和《戰後的藍天》。兩個主題、感覺和表演形式完全不同的繪本故事,經過大細路劇團創作團隊悉心排練,將會為大家呈現一齣窩心的兒童劇。
“Cat Story & War Guy” is the first double-bill program of Jumbo Kids Theatre. Audience can watch two performances before and after the intermission.
The independent performances are inspired by “Bringing Little Black Home” and “The Blue Sky after the War” written by Auntie Van Van.
"Cat Story"
Little Black has no “home” and it desires to have “parents”. After a painful journey, it finally meets its “home” and “parents” and discovers its “secret”.
Experience the life of the stray animals through drama, movement, dance and music!
"War Guy"
Aal lives in a war-affected country. He loses his home and family in a day. He seeks for hope in sorrow and poverty and he finally rebuilds his home.
Experience the life of Aal through sand painting, puppet, projection and music.
《獅子女巫魔衣櫥》"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Touring) "
《獅子女巫魔衣櫥》是一個關於成長的故事,作者 C.S. Lewis 筆下的世界更為大、小朋友帶來無盡的想像力,成為傳誦一時的小說。這個故事描述了四位兄弟姊妹穿過衣櫥,去到一個充滿魔幻景象的世界,而原本是「膽小」、「不義」、 「無情」、「平庸」的小孩經過一段奇幻旅程,通過種種歷練後成為「英勇」、「正義」、「仁慈」、「莊嚴高尚」的⋯⋯ 大細路劇團「文學系列」誠意推出由 Le Clanché du Rand 改編的外百老匯作品,是集想像力、面具、魔法、音樂與文學的創作,此二人演出版本在紐約的 St. Luke's Theatre 進行了首演。期待各家庭一同經歷這充滿冒險與魔幻的Narnia旅程。
“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is a story about growth. The author, C. S. Lewis, created a big world with his widely-known fiction and brought infinite imagination for children. The story is about four siblings entering a magical world through the wardrobe. They are originally cowardly, injust, feelingless and mediocre. After the magical journey, they pass the tests and become brave, just, kind and venerable.
It is in the Literature Series of Jumbo Kids Theatre. This performance, which is adapted from an Off-Broadway production of Le Clanché du Rand, consists of imagination, mask, magic, music and literature. The two actors version was first shown in St. Luke's Theatre of New York.
Families should join this magical and adventurous journey into Narnia.
《親親24孝》網上直播演出 "24 Stories"
“24 Stories”, based on the text of the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, is about filial piety - an important Chinese cultural value since ancient times. In this performance, Jumbo Kids Theatre will reinterpret this ancient value in hope to pass it to the next generation.
音樂劇《奇幻聖誕之旅》"A Fantastie Journey @Xmas"
What kind of extraordinary Christmas will Ah Lui experience this year?! On Christmas Eve, students from Jumbo Kids School visit an Elderly Home hoping to bring the joyous atmosphere there. An affable elderly gives Ah Lui a “Fantastic Train” ticket as gift, and it marks the beginning of her extraordinary X’mas journey.
《蝴蝶飛翔》"Butterfly is free" 大細路劇團團員作品
自小在母親呵護下成長的Don,為了逃避家庭的束縛而毅然離家。在追求自由生活的環境下,他邂逅了隔壁一名對愛情缺乏信心卻開朗活潑的早熟少女Jill,二人迅速墮入愛河,Jill的熱情讓Don的個性得到解放。直到Don的母親Mrs Baker突然來訪,少男少女的戀情與母親對兒子的溺愛都受到了挑戰……
Don, who grew up under his mom’s care, decided to leave his parents and live on his own. One day, he met a girl Jill who doesn’t believe in relationship. The two quickly fall in love and enjoy their time together until Don’s mum Mrs. Baker suddenly make a visit. She disapproves their relationship…
《十四條腿音樂家》"14 Town Musicians"
《十四條腿音樂家》創作靈感來自經典格林童話「不萊梅音樂家」,配以家傳戶曉的古典音樂,並譜上廣東話歌詞,令孩子在最熟悉的語言環境下,欣賞一齣生動可愛的「現代版古典音樂劇」。 《十四條腿音樂家》講述四隻各有理想、身懷奇技以及熱愛表演的小動物,牠們都希望成為出色音樂家,可是各動物均有其獨特的性格:雞性格高傲;貓貪心怕事;狗衝動惹禍;驢固執笨拙。雖然牠們相處並不融洽,但因形勢所逼,只好互相依靠,一起上路,組成「嘰喱咕嚕樂隊」,流浪人間。牠們邊流浪、邊賣藝,途中烏龍百出、笑料一籮筐,後來更遇上大賊‥‥‥最終他們能否達成願望,成為一個與別不同的不萊梅音樂家呢?
Inspired by a classic German Grimm's Fairy Tales " Town Musicians of Bremen", "14 Town Musicians" is a musical accompanied by well-known classical music with revised Cantonese lyrics.
The story is about four farm animals: a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster. After a lifetime of hard work, they are being neglected by their former masters and decided to run away for their dreams as musicians in the city of Bremen. Four animals have very different personalities. Donkey is stubborn and clumsy; Dog has an impulsive behavior; Cat is greedy and constantly stressed whereas rooster is very arrogant. Will they be able to get along and achieve their goal as musicians?